DELOMO Pet Grooming Glove

The Best Cat Grooming Gloves of 2024 That Will Help Keep Your Cat and House More Tidy

If you own a cat or have been to a cat owner’s house, you know that most feline friends shed quite a bit. Their fur typically gets all over the furniture, floor, clothes…you name it, it’s got fur on it. That’s why grooming a cat is so important. Not only does it keep your house looking clean, but it also reduces the risk of your cat coughing up hairballs. Cats, like most animals, are natural groomers of their bodies. With cats, hairballs are a result of a healthy and meticulous grooming routine. When your cat grooms him or herself, their tongue catches loose, dead hair, and swallows it in the process. Some of this hair can form a ball in the cat’s stomach and come back up. Consistent brushing can help reduce the amount of furballs your cat may cough up.

Cats can be finicky and generally do not like to be brushed. Ideally, you would start brushing your cat frequently when they are a kitten to help get them used to the routine. Starting this when your cat is a kitten will help you in the long run. making the process less of a “fight”. You can try a simple trick of using cat brush gloves, better known as grooming gloves. Using grooming gloves may make your cat feel like you’re just petting them while you are keeping their fur nice and brushed.

How to Use Cat Grooming Gloves

Cat grooming gloves are a great tool for brushing your cat, especially if your cat is not fond of traditional brushes. These gloves can give the sensation of being petted while you’re actually grooming them. Here are some best practices to help you make the most of your grooming sessions:

Start Slowly and Gently

If your cat is new to grooming gloves, take it slow. Start by gently stroking areas where your cat enjoys being petted, like their back or head. Gradually expand to other areas as your cat gets more comfortable with the gloves. This gradual approach helps to minimize stress and makes grooming more enjoyable.

Choose the Right Time

Timing is key. Groom your cat when they are relaxed, such as after a meal or a nap. Avoid grooming during playtime or when your cat is overly energetic, as this can lead to a less cooperative experience.

Use Gentle Pressure

When using the gloves, apply gentle pressure. The silicone tips on the gloves are designed to pick up loose fur without the need to press hard. Gentle strokes in the direction of fur growth will ensure a comfortable experience for your cat while minimizing hair breakage.

Follow the Natural Direction of Fur

Always groom in the direction of your cat’s fur growth. This feels more natural and prevents discomfort from tugging or pulling. If your cat has longer hair, take care to avoid tangling or matting.

Target Sensitive Areas with Care

Use the gloves’ five-finger design to groom sensitive areas, like the face, tail, or legs. These areas require a lighter touch, so watch your cat’s body language for signs of discomfort.

Create a Positive Association

To help your cat associate grooming with positive experiences, offer treats or praise during and after grooming sessions. This reinforcement makes future grooming sessions more pleasant and can help your cat look forward to grooming.

Regular Grooming Is Key

Establish a regular grooming schedule to maintain a clean home and reduce hairballs. Aim for at least a few times a week, but adjust as needed based on your cat’s shedding level and comfort with grooming gloves.

Manage Shedding Hair

To prevent hair from becoming airborne during grooming, remove collected fur from the gloves frequently. Dampen the gloves slightly if needed; this can help capture more hair and reduce the amount that spreads to furniture or clothes.

Keep Gloves Clean

Regular cleaning of the grooming gloves is essential for hygiene and effectiveness. You can hand wash them or put them in the washing machine, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean gloves will ensure a pleasant grooming experience for both you and your cat.

Observe Your Cat's Reactions

Finally, always monitor your cat’s reactions during grooming. If they show signs of stress or discomfort, take a break and let them relax. Grooming should be an enjoyable experience, not a source of stress.

Now that you know how to use cat grooming gloves effectively, let’s look at some of the best options on the market in 2024.

The Marchul cat grooming gloves have encrypted silicone tips that are effective for loosening and removing hair. They have a five-finger flexible design, making them great for grooming harder-to-groom areas on your cat (face, tail or legs). These gloves are good for long and short haired cats. The soft silicone tips are great for a gentle grooming experience for your cat, as the tips should not hurt your cat’s skin.

The Marchul gloves are one-size-fits-most and can be used in a wet or dry grooming session. These gloves let your hands breathe with the back of the glove made of soft mesh, which provides good ventilation. They also have wrist straps, making it great for adjusting to the width of your wrist.

We did find that this product did not always catch all the loose hair once brushed from the cat. Some hair would become airborne and would accumulate at the glove edges. Removing hair from the glove more frequently may help prevent some of this.

These grooming gloves are easy to use, making it great for those just starting out. The upgraded design of the glove makes for a better fit, with a breathable mesh and spandex fabric. These gloves can remove dirt and dander while improving blood circulation and stimulating natural oils that will leave fur looking shiny.

These gloves are perfect for both short-haired and long-haired cats. Fur sticks to the glove and is easy to remove. Cleaning the gloves is also easy, simply rinse with water or place in your washing machine.

What cat wouldn’t enjoy a massage with The StarRoad-Tim pet grooming gloves? The five-fingered design comes equipped with enhanced tips, making it easier to get those hard to reach areas groomed. These gloves are good for long and short-haired cats alike.

The gloves are comfortable and let your hands breathe, as the back of the glove has a soft mesh design, allowing for good ventilation. These gloves are one-size-fits-all and have an adjustable wrist strap for a comfortable fit.

The Handson Pet Grooming Gloves have a five-finger design with flexible rubber bristle tips on each finger, and round tips on the palm. This allows for a gentle grooming experience for your cat. These gloves are great for removing excess hair, tangles, de-shedding, bathing and massaging your cat.

These gloves are one-size-fits-most and can be used in a wet or dry setting. The Handson Pet Grooming Gloves are hypo-allergenic, free of chemicals and are mildew resistant. Cleanup is easy; simply rub the gloves together, rinse with water or use a washing machine.

The DELOMO Pet Grooming Gloves are our favorite. The five-fingered design has enhanced flexible silicone grooming tips and is the best at mimicking the touch of your hand for a soft, relaxing grooming massage experience for your cat. The gloves are lightweight and breathable, come with an adjustable wrist strap and are a one-size-fits-most.

Great for both long and short-haired cats, these gloves allow you to brush away loose hair from your cat without painful removal of fur or scratching of their skin. Just spray a bit of water onto the glove and groom your pet in a gentle, sweeping motion When done, simply peel off the fur from gloves. Clean gloves by either hand washing or using a washing machine.


As you can see, there are many great options when it comes to cat grooming gloves. The most important thing that you’ll want to consider is your cat’s comfort. The product that makes your cat most at ease and comfortable, while being groomed, is truly the best product for you and your furry friend.