Pet Grooming Advisor was founded in 2021. Our goal is to provide you with ideas, a little bit of knowledge and review guidance regarding pet grooming, general care and supplies for your most beloved friend. We love pets of all kinds and feel they bring joy to many people in many ways.

We want to be up front with the fact that we are not experts in any one pet care product area or grooming technique. We are avid pet enthusiasts that have a love and interest in pets. Couple this with our enthusiasm for digital marketing, and you have a perfect marriage in this online environment. Because of our passion for both, we thought we’d  create this website that offers great information to you, as the user, while leveraging our affiliate partnerships. If you would like to know more about this topic, please see our affiliate disclaimer page

We believe in providing our users the best possible website experience and information. If you have any questions or comments about this website, please feel free to reach out by contacting us. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of your pets health, please consult your veterinarian, as Pet Grooming Advisor is not liable for any health or grooming issues that you may encounter.